What and why? As it was mentioned in previous post I haven’t find Linux image for MangoPi MQ Pro board with working bluetooth so I thrown the board away decided to create my own. I didn’t go with “fix broken one” way because the only images available at the moment of writing were Armbian and Ubuntu and I’m not fun of either of them. So I decided to use Yocto Project compatible distribution and create my own layer on top of it....
openSUSE HackWeek 22. MangoPi MQ Pro and Yocto.
HackWeek Last week was 22nd openSuse HackWeek and first one I was participating in. The initial idea was to package Ada stack for openSuse but it was done already by Vitalii Bondarenko. Then I realized that I’ve spent few bucks on MangoPi MQ Pro boards which are laying around for some time and decided to build my own image for it. Goals were: Build image with working hardware (most importantly Wifi and Bluetooth as I’ve not found working Bluetooth driver in any other image available, the reason(s) will be below) Brush on my Yocto Project skills....
My first post. Emacs, org-mode and hugo
Welcome back, my dear blog! First rule of the blogger: describe the setup of your blog (c) @quarckster I used to have blog.zhukoff.net in the past. It was in Russian and wordpress-powered. Maintaining of the wordpress, backups and posting using web browser was not good experience overall so it happened and the blog died… Few days ago I’ve decided that I need some space to put my thoughts, logs and random stuff and I don’t want to use any WYSIWYG editors....